Do Something
…there is still time to prevent your state from gaining momentum and challenging or banning more books.
A Librarian’s Perspective
I used to work in a public library. I never made a ton of money, but I loved it. The kids were the best. Putting exactly the right book into a kid’s hands at exactly the right time—there was nothing like it.
A Teacher’s Perspective
“My parents were Goldwater Republicans who sent their children to Catholic school. And yet for them the very idea of policing my reading was laughable.” We didn’t realize how good we had it. We had no idea how bad it would get…
A Parent’s Perspective
I read to my kids when they were growing up. They loved it! I used to do all the voices and everything. I never believed anyone should have the right to decide what my kids could read, since that was up to each parent’s personal choice.